Employee Profile: Chad Brewer

Chad Brewer joins his wife Karoline to help further support the Animal America and Airpets businesses. Chad is a 21 year veteran of the construction industry, and as an operations director for fortune 500 company, he brings a lot positive skills and ideas to the business.

Chad with his dog Oli
Chad with Oli

His Pets (species, breed, age, fun fact): Oliver is 5 yrs old. We call him “Oli”.  He’s a Brittany Spaniel. (He was named after Oliver Twist because he was a rescue, and he hit the lost dog lottery!!).

If you could choose one of our regulars to take home with you, who would you choose? Asher or Sasha.

What’s your favorite part of working at Animal America? Interacting with the Clients (both the canines and their humans). I love saying hello to boarding dogs and playing with dogs in daycamp. I also enjoy meeting new species of pets.

If you could have any pet what species or breed would you choose chad snakeand why? Miniature Schnauzer, Doberman or German Shepard – ever since I was a kid I thought all of these breeds were so regal and amazing.  (My wife won’t let me have any of them because she says I couldn’t handle the Schnauzer’s constant barking, the Doberman’s over protectiveness or the German Shepard’s shedding – She is probably right!! – Regardless, I still think all 3 are amazing).

List 5 interests: Football, Travel, My Family, Fishing, Books & Movies.

Contact us

Learn more: www.pawhootz.com

Email us: [email protected] or call us at 817-498-6410, too!

Make an appointment with us: https://pawhootz.com/make-an-appointment/